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Himalaya Family Medicine Clinic

Family Medicine Physicians located in Aurora, CO

As many as 26 million adults and children in the United States struggle with asthma. To protect your respiratory health, Bipin Kumar, MD, offers comprehensive asthma care at Himalaya Family Medicine Clinic. Dr. Kumar offers on-site pulmonary function testing at his Aurora, Colorado, family clinic and tailors treatment plans to prevent serious asthma-related breathing complications. If you or your family members experience shortness of breath or have already experienced asthma attacks, schedule an asthma consultation with Dr. Kumar by phone or by using the online booking feature.

Asthma Q & A

What is asthma?

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects your breathing. The condition causes inflammation in your airways, obstructing the flow of oxygen to and from your lungs. As a result of this obstruction, you may experience symptoms like:

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Chest tightness
  • Shortness of breath

For some with asthma, an attack can become life-threatening without prompt emergency treatment with medications.

What causes asthma?

In many cases, people with allergies also have asthma. Exposure to certain allergens, like pollen or pet dander, can trigger inflammation in the airways leading to asthma-related breathing problems.

Your asthma may also be triggered by physical activity, even light impact exercises, or by exposure to chemicals, gases, or other strong fumes.

You may be at increased risk for developing asthma if you have a family history of the condition, if you smoke, or are overweight.

How is asthma diagnosed?

At Himalaya Family Medicine Clinic, you can receive on-site pulmonary function testing to determine how well air is moving in and out of your lungs. This noninvasive test requires you to breathe into a device that measures how much air you breathe in and out.

Asthma testing can also rule out more serious respiratory issues, like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and help Dr. Kumar create the right treatment plan for your condition.

Dr. Kumar reviews your overall health, your family history, and listens carefully to your symptoms to assess how asthma affects your quality of life.

What treatments are available for asthma?

To prevent life-threatening breathing issues, Dr. Kumar may prescribe daily medications, fast-acting medications, and lifestyle changes to keep your asthma well-controlled.

Daily medications prevent inflammation in the airways when exposed to potential asthma triggers. Fast-acting medicines are useful in the event of an asthma attack to quickly reduce existing inflammation that makes it difficult to breathe.

Dr. Kumar also works with you on an emergency plan to prevent life-threatening complications from an asthma attack. This plan includes details on what to do during an asthma attack and ways to avoid exposure to allergies and activities that can trigger asthma-related breathing problems.

If you frequently have shortness of breath or other signs of asthma, schedule a consultation today, online or by phone, to learn more about pulmonary function testing.